The trials and tribulations of selling your house…

The potential buyers have come back with a rather large list of “we want these things fixed” ($$$), AND they want us to lower the price……


We’ll see how this little teapot tempest plays out.

My French tutor says my progress is “not bad.  [read: pretty bad]  Your sentence structures are weak, you need to work on your vocabulary, and you have [a strange] accent.”  BUT!  She said I had POTENTIAL!  I’m good with that!  I think my French is better than 99% of all the local Hispanics’ English!  🙂  Here’s the whiteboard snapshot of what I was working on yesterday –  and I have a four hour class today!

The plan is tentatively to make the plane reservations for October 16, arrive the 17th, choose an apartment on the 18th, and Tanner starts work on Friday October 20th.  (Still expect to be in a hotel for several +weeks there.) Can you say whirlwind?

Moving into a furnished corporate apartment downtown Greenville this coming Monday – packers and movers for five days next week.  If we get through the next 10 days……a prayer or two would be really appreciated!

A few slides from our intercultural training, if you are interested….move your cursor on top of the picture to see it better. This one is about the highs and lows to be expected when personally adapting to a move to a different country. (Honeymoon period – then reality!  haha)

 This one is about cultural differences among several countries – France, the US, and China.  No wonder we are perceived as cowboys!  Saddle up, ‘pardner!’

OK – looking forward to having some beautiful French countryside pictures to post soon!  Keep your eyes on the prize, oui?

I hope you are having a great day.  Je dois partir -à bientôt!

Therefore keep watch, because you do not know on what day your Lord will come. Matthew 24:42 |





One Reply to “The trials and tribulations of selling your house…”

  1. THANK YOU, DARLIN’ Really enjoyed your blog!!!! You are certainly in my prayers!!!! It’s a good thing you’re STILL YOUNG!!!!
    Love ya’ , mom

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