A YEAR went by with no blogs…WHAT was I THINKING???!

Hang onto your berets…Thursday night is the LAST IWC (International Women’s Club of the Auvergne) with yours truly at the helm…and it’s pretty crazy organizing a luncheon for 16, a going-away party for a friend, and an evening event for 68-and-counting people, including a themed All American Night party (complete with line dancing & baseball and a lasso demonstration) and Southern-style BBQ dinner… THEN! ALL QUIET ON THE WESTERN FRONT! Blogs on their way…I’ll be paralyzed by what to discuss first…I won’t know what to do with myself! hahahahahaha.

Thinking of you all – my friends – and feeling very blessed that I had the good fortune to cross paths with you.  

So, okay, I’m committed…

BACK IN THE CAMEL’S [no, that’s not right]

HORSE’S [no, not that, either]


à la semaine prochaine,


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