Wish me luck!

I start French classes tomorrow (Tuesday) at the University of Clermont Auvernge – yea!  Very excited.  About three city blocks, then a short tram ride, then four more city blocks to get there.  And it’s 35 degrees outside!  (Just ask Tanner — he’s been walking to work every day! BRRRRRRRR)

I HOPE that I’m not in a class that’s too advanced.  EEEEEEE!!!  That’s my concern!  The class started the end of September, so I’m a wee bit behind already….but bring it on!

Tanner will start soon, as well – different class, we don’t know where.  Still lots of unknowns!

Moving is postponed…..”should” get keys on Friday, movers come next Tuesday….so another week in this temp apartment.  We’ll manage, bite our tongues, and smile!

I know you all have a lot going on, too….thinking of all of you so often and miss you!