La Canicule (the Heatwave) and other subjects, including some monkeying around…

I hear ‘la Canicule’ has even made the US national news – yes, it’s hotter than blazes in Europe, and we are feeling like the wicked witch of the west.

Paris saw a record high temperature of 108.7 F on Thursday, in a heatwave that broke records across Europe. Yeah, yeah, I know it’s ALWAYS hot in Tulsa, Oklahoma and Augusta, Georgia. But consider this – based on latitude, MONTREAL IS ACTUALLY SOUTH OF PARIS. When’s the last time it was 108 F in Montreal?

No one I know has an air conditioner installed in their apartment or home – a few people have portable air conditioning units. And the “air climatization” in Europe is not exactly ‘North American’ standard AC, believe me…

So our little flower garden on our rooftop terrace? Last week it looked like this. Lovely! Our little slice of heaven. However, even with 68 lbs. of water (8 gallons – 31.5 liters – 21 bottles of water) up two sets of crazy stairs every day, the long term summer outlook is not so good for the home gardening team!

After we return from being in the USA for several weeks, there will probably be nothing left but ashes! 🙁

TIME OUT FOR AN IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT! Happy Birthday, Larry! So glad you are always 3.3 years (ahem) steps ahead of me!

Happy birthday to you, you live in a zoo….. hahaha, love, your sister

Speaking of zoos and looking like a monkey…we went to Gibraltar, the southernmost tip of Europe, and saw the Barbary Apes. They are wild – and protected. There’s a $500 fine if you’re caught feeding them, because doing that makes them aggressive with the tourists…and they are! One of them lunged onto our small tour bus following a lady who just boarded. She was minding her own business, eating her Lay’s potato chips out of a small bag. He careened over seats and people, grabbed that bag and WHOOSH! Caused huge chaos on the bus and made a clean getaway. Obviously, not his first rodeo!

Originally from Morocco, the Barbary macaque “apes” (called so because they are tail-less, even though they are really monkeys) in Gibraltar are the only wild monkeys in Europe. There are more than 300 of them in the Gibraltar Nature Reserve. The British Royal Military cared for them throughout WWII until the 1970s, and they are now fed and cared for by the government of Gibraltar. Cute, huh?

Was hoping for a day trip in the AIR CONDITIONED car tomorrow to the Burgundy region to a winery and chateau, but looks like the storm clouds are moving in…HALLELUJAH! I’ll take rain any day! 🙂 And a high temperature of 70!

Wishing you a pleasant weekend and 74 degree temperatures in your house ~

à bientôt et bisous!


This picture makes me feel cooler just looking at it!